Hog Heaven South 10-point - 2019

Congrats to one of our newest clients, Mr David Bryant, for the terrific mature 10-point whitetail he harvested in mid January 2020. On his first trio to Brushy Hill, Mr Bryant decided to take advantage of our ranch manager, Nick Anderson's, semi-guided stand service. Nick scouts and sets ups blinds where he knows there are ranch-legal shooter bucks. These blinds are well hidden, hand corned regularly and often well-established - something not possible on shorter hunts. Mr Bryant figured this would get him off to a running start since he wasn't familiar with the ranch; and we provide hunters with so much ground it can be difficult to narrow down where to hunt. Almost immediately he was treated to parade of deer but, after hunting in the midwest earlier in the season, he was looking for something bigger than just ranch-legal. On day 2 he was treated to this huge-bodied mature buck and he decided it was the one. He made a terrific shot and it piled top just out of view. He THOUGHT he heard it crash but, just to be safe he decided to let it have some time before heading out to look at it. With hands shaking he began texting Nick to report that he'd shot a good buck and would begin looking for it. While Nick was replaying that he was in the pasture and not too far away, David caught some movement out of his peripheral view and looked up..... Standing in front of him was a true South Texas giant! A massive mature 12 point was standing feeding calmly less than 15 yards in front of the blind, standing broadside without a care in the world! Despite his lower jaw dropping to the ground between his feet, Mr. Bryant managed to get his phone into his shaking hands and begin filming. The video is posted on Nick's Instagram page (@HrushyHillGuide) and on the Brushy Hill Ranch Facebook page - check it out and give us a follow to keep up with what's happening at the ranch!
For the next 20 minutes that 12 point put on a tease but David kept his cool and did the right thing - he just filmed that buck. Since he;'d already shot a buck, he couldn't shoot another buck However, it's a good thing because the giant's rack was severely damaged - both G2s and one G3 were almost completely gone and several other tines were badly broken. Still, he was a giant - it's obvious he would threaten if nit smash the ranch record were he NOT broken up. We discourage hunters from harvesting severely damaged bucks - just part of hunting post rut. What is the point of taking a big deer that isn't a big deer any more? Sure, a taxidermist can build some imitation tines but they're fake and not scorable; so, again, what's the point? As soon as we saw the footage we decided to put that 12 point off-limits and protect him until next season, when hunters can try to take him in his full glory! Mr. Bryant has already booked an early season hunt to go after him before anyone else! What a special hunt and we sure appreciate Mr. Bryant's restraint and honesty!
Some images on this page are courtesy of Hendershot Photography.
©Brushy Hill Ranch, P.O. Box 1110, Sabinal, TX 78881 (830) 988-2802
All images and content are property of Brushy Hill Ranch and may NOT be used in any way without permission