Pete & Ava Denney
Brushy Hill Ranch
PO Box 1110
Sabinal TX 78881

Ranch Office phone: (830) 988-2802


Ranch Manager & Guide Services - Nick Anderson - call/text 512-587-8651 or EMAIL Nick

For Website Issues & Submissions, email:

Pete Denney standing in front of a large tree at one of the tanks. Brushy Hill Ranch provides bowhunters with an affordable place to bowhunt trophy South Texas whitetail, Rio Grande Turkey and wild hogs. Great bowhunting and cheap prices!

Click on this image to find the moon cycle for your hunt. Whitetail deer move more at night during a full moon, or near a full moon, than they do when there's no moon. Wild hogs and wild Boar are best hunted during a full moon. Before booking an affordable Whitetail deer hunt, Turkey hunt or Wild Hog or Wild Boar hunt, MAKE SURE to check that the moon will be where you want it!

Some images on this page are courtesy of Hendershot Photography.

©Brushy Hill Ranch, P.O. Box 1110, Sabinal, TX 78881 (830) 988-2802
All images and content are property of Brushy Hill Ranch and may NOT be used in any way without permission