Hog Heaven South 10-point - 2019

Congrats to Mr. David Bryant who harvested this very mature and heavy-horned 10pt out of one of Nick's semi-guided stands! This was Mr. Bryant's first year hunting with us and he opted to use our ranch manager, Nick Anderson's, semi-guide service for his late-season hunt. He was rewarded with a parade of deer and after passing on several bucks, this mature buck stepped out. He made a perfect shot and the deer piled up just out of sight. While he was giving that buck some time to expire, and while his hands were still shaking, out steps a true giant! Despite his lower jaw drooping to the ground below him, he had the wherewithal to grab his cell phone and start filming the monster buck standing 12 yards from him. For the next ten minutes all he could do but film this amazing deer that teased him with shot opportunity after shot opportunity! He's already booked a hunt for next early season in the same area (of course!) to try and get him. What a story that'd make! Nick posted video of the 12 point on his Instagram page (@BrushyHillGuide) and on the ranch Facebook page - go check out those social media accounts and give us a follow to keep up with things at the ranch!
Some images on this page are courtesy of Hendershot Photography.
©Brushy Hill Ranch, P.O. Box 1110, Sabinal, TX 78881 (830) 988-2802
All images and content are property of Brushy Hill Ranch and may NOT be used in any way without permission