Hog Heaven South 7-point - 2019

Congrats to our friend and most frequent hunter, Randy Howard! Randy took this very mature, huge-bodied 7-point with some crazy long brow tines out of one of Nick's semi-guided stands. Randy is at the ranch chasing something almost every month and he's got a passion for hunting hogs but he's very particular about which whitetail he shoots. It's not enough, for him, to shoot just a "ranch legal" buck or even a big buck - it has to be a mature deer and the right deer. On this trip he just wasn't seeing what he wanted in his setups. He was seeing shooters and lots of deer but just not what he wanted. At least not in range. Because we're so familiar with Randy and his goals and ethics, Nick offered to let him hire out one of his semi-guided stands where he knew this deer was hiding; but the catch was... there was also a MONSTER 12 point hanging out in the same area. The 12 point, which could threaten the ranch record, was all broken up with both G2s and one G3 almost completely gone and several other tines broken. We were aware of the buck and had video of him. We'd made a management decision NOT to take that deer, with its broken rack, this season and we'd removed him from the 'hit list'. Next year that 12, in all his glory, will most definitely be targeted but he'd earned a pass this late in the season. We had intentionally been limiting access to the immediate area and warning every hunter that could possibly see him that he was officially "off limits" until next season - just to eliminate any temptation. We felt certain that Randy could control himself and had a good chance of harvesting this big 7 point. Sure enough, that big 12 put in several appearances teasing Randy over and over; but Randy ignored him until the buck we described (and met his own criteria) showed up. Check out the amazing shot he made! We couldn't;t be happier for Randy and more appreciative of his friendship and the certainty that we can trust him fully, even in the face of ultimate temptation! Thanks Randy and congratulations on a terrific buck!
Some images on this page are courtesy of Hendershot Photography.
©Brushy Hill Ranch, P.O. Box 1110, Sabinal, TX 78881 (830) 988-2802
All images and content are property of Brushy Hill Ranch and may NOT be used in any way without permission