Hog Heaven South 10-point - 2019

Congrats to John Weaver who harvested this stud of a 10-point from one of Nick's semi-guided stands. In fact, Johns friend had hunted that same stand a few weeks earlier while John was busy harvesting another buck out of a different semi-guide stand! John is one of a handful of hunters who make 2 separate trips, each season, to hunt whitetail at Brushy Hill Ranch; and this year it really paid off with 2 really nice bucks. To make things even better, after harvesting a doe the following day and seeing some more shooter bucks at his stand, John swapped stands with his son Shaun; and Shaun connected with a nice buck of his own! Little did Shaun know but there was a stud of a deer AND an absolute giant lurking at the stand he left behind! Nonetheless, this father and son duo had a magical hunt that they'll remember for a lifetime. The smile on John's normally stoic mug is priceless and says it all! Congrats John, you deserve it and we could be happier for you and Shaun!
Some images on this page are courtesy of Hendershot Photography.
©Brushy Hill Ranch, P.O. Box 1110, Sabinal, TX 78881 (830) 988-2802
All images and content are property of Brushy Hill Ranch and may NOT be used in any way without permission